United Cutlery GAUNTLET OF SAURON 2456 - THE LORD OF THE RINGS LOTR 1 of 3000. I have always loved this piece, they did re-release this as a wall hanger but much prefer this version with a nice glass display case. Its in good condition, the glass does have a few little small dot imperfections, I believe these are all from the glass making process itself and I would imagine all have them, its not really noticeable unless your really looking for it but I wanted to point it out and took a few photos so you can see.
I spent a couple hours trying to locate the original packaging and unfortunately I just cant find it : So this does not come with original packaging or any paperwork. This is how I packed (also see pictures). I wrapped the hand in multiple layers of bubble wrap that filled the glass part. I then wrapped the glass part in foam protective wrapping.
I then put many layers of bubble wrap around everything. I used a heavy duty box and secured the thick layers of packaging material paper so that there is no way it can bounce around at all during the trip to its new owner. I hope whoever buys this enjoys it as much as i did.